Freats logo


 "Campus marketing powered by free food"


 Nearly 40% of all the food at catered events on campuses is wasted yet student hunger insecurities still exist
Freats landing page iPhone

Freats welcome screens iPhone


 An application that connects hungry students with free catered events across campus

How We Did It.

24 Hours of Code Hackathon Freats
It began at a Hackathon. Freats was created to solve a problem proposed during the annual 2018 Code | 24 Hackathon sponsored by Blackstone Launchpad at Montana State University
 — Within 24 hours, we had developed a working prototype of the application
After being awarded the “Health & Human Development” Award, we pursued further development of the app and competed in the 2018 John Ruffatto Business Competition.

— We had garnered even more attention and now had funding to complete development

2018 John Ruffatto Business Competition winnings Freats
Check out the articles below about our victories at state-wide competitions!

Freats wireframing

It was now time to design & develop

 We outlined different design elements and iterations we wanted to achieve on a white board

Over the course of a couple years, we have gone through many different design iterations as we became more skilled in design and development

— As the lead front-end developer and co-founder, it was my duty to create an interface that suited the needs of multiple end-users and provided a great user experience overall
Our application has gone through many different design iterations in order to find the one that best fits our users’ needs
Freats design evolution
Freats Add Event screen
Freats Home screen
Freats Confirmation screens
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